Two new pieces of legislation arrived at the end of September, modifying the European Union’s positive list of permitted substances in flavourings! It has a significant impact on flavour suppliers and users. Naturally, we’ve performed our magic: the appropriate changes have been made in Flavour Manager databases and no action is required from our users to remain compliant 🌟
✅ 25 substances from the Union List were previously restricted in finished products, awaiting further evaluation since the original text was published. This evaluation having taken place, it was concluded that the substances do not raise safety concerns for the consumer. The restrictions have therefore been lifted.
â›” 22 substances from the Union List, which were not restricted in finished products, have on the contrary been banned. Indeed, their evaluation had been pending since the publication of the initial law text, and had to be updated within a certain timeframe. As this deadline has passed, the Commission has, as expected, removed these substances from the Union List.
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