
Dry January – episode 1

At QR Flavour Solutions, we are taking up the Dry January Challenge!

Wine, beer and cocktails are an integral part of the French art of living. For many of us, they are difficult to dissociate, culturally, from conviviality and sociability. However, alcohol remains an addictive psychoactive product that is harmful to health if abused. The January Challenge questions our relationship with alcohol and our lifestyle habits in a playful way. It also allows us to discover alternatives to alcohol and to reinvent, at least temporarily, our drinking habits.

So this year, for the third time, we decided to go for it! We put down the glass of champagne at 00:01 last Friday, and we’re sticking to the rule, whatever the cost. Our goal: not a drop of alcohol until Sunday 31 January at 11.59pm!

So far, so good. We promise to keep you posted 😉

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