Our lab Recipes

Our approach to beverage R&D and micro-series

Creating a flavoured tea-hibiscus infusion for the production of a micro-series, as part of a beverage development project.

We develop your beverage recipes!

This is now a major part of our business. From our lab in Paris, which is fully equipped for flavour development as well as f&b product development, we offer services in beverage recipe formulation.

To find out more, take a look at our page dedicated to beverage development.

A little extra: the micro-series

In our approach, the development of a beverage requires several iterations between our client and our taste expert. These iterations form the basis of a collaborative approach, involving the client in the important choices, while benefiting from the advanced expertise of a flavourist and taste expert.

Often in the course of development, we offer to produce a micro-series of a few litres (in production in this video!), packaged in standard or client bottles, allowing the client to try out the prototype with his or her prospects and advisers, and thus gather valuable external feedback before finalising the beverage.

Do you also need beverage development? Get in touch with us!